The ultra Zashis

Ahmed and Abdullah were exceptionally dear companions. They were in a recreation area partaking in the cold and shady climate. Abdullah was gazing at the profound and foreboding shadows. It was the point at which he saw something falling. It was coming at maximum speed, destroying the foreboding shadows.

Abdullah, while pointing towards the sky, expressed, "Look there, Ahmed!"

"Hello, it’s coming straight toward us," Ahmed overreacted by gazing upward. "Everyone run! Something will fall here!"

Everybody began running out of the recreation area. That thing hit the ground with full power. There was an enormous impact and residue shut out everything in sight.

"Is it a shooting star or a space rock?" Abdullah asked while eliminating dust around his nose.

"I don't have any idea, we should find out what it is," said Ahmed.

The two of them went towards whatever had fallen, joined by numerous others. At the point when the residue cleared, they saw a major white thing, formed like a ball.

They all went near it, it was anything but a shooting star or a space rock, it was a spaceship — a white-shaded spaceship with a straightforward round glass entryway.

Abdullah eliminated the residue from the glass and said, "Hello, there's somebody in it, I think he is oblivious."

"Is he a human or an outsider?" asked Ahmed.

"He seems as though a human," answered Abdullah.

They attempted to open that transport entryway, but couldn't do as such. A couple of seconds passed and the boat began to open all alone. Smoke emerged and unexpectedly, the weather conditions changed; thunder began thundering areas of strength and assumed control over the entire scene.

The human-like outsider became cognizant and emerged. He had purple eyes with long, straight, and plush purple hair down to his shoulders. He was wearing a purple shirt under a wooden vest, with a free dark pajama.

He yelled, "Haaa ..." his shout was clearly to the point that every individual present there cowered and firmly covered their ears. The windows of the close by structures broke from the sound.

He mumbled, "At last, I am on Earth! I'll annihilate you Earth and everything in it."

He lifted his right hand and directed it towards a structure on his right. A purple laser emerged from his hand and the structure imploded as though it was made of paper! Everybody was stunned and all began to take off in a furor.

"Hello, simply quiet down!" an individual yelled.

Everybody halted and thought back to see who considered discussing in front of a malevolent outsider. It was Zashis, the godlike who was adored on earth by everybody. There was an unexpected flood of bliss among individuals who had been exceptionally terrified only a couple of seconds prior.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Zashis asked the outsider. He stayed quiet. On the wooden vest of the outsider, on the left side, was composed a number painted in the dark: 14. Zashis took a full breath and said, "All right, so you won't tell me. Then, at that point, I'll call your Number 14."

The outsider overlooked him and pointed his hand toward different structures. Zashis lifted his hand as well and halted the laser emerging from the outsider's hand from arriving at the structures. This irritated the outsider, who currently turned towards Zashis and the two began battling.

The effect of their battle shook the entire planet, and the crash of their punches brought about booming impacts and starts. No.14 was becoming irate and began to go after them with full force. He at long last handled a strong punch all over. Blood emerged from Zashis' mouth and he fell to the ground.

"With this little power, you want to overcome me?" asked No14 with a detestable grin. He laughed uncontrollably and expressed, "Is there anybody who is sufficiently strong to battle me?"

Everybody was frightened and scared of this outsider. Unexpectedly, Abdullah ventured out from the expanse of individuals and acknowledged the demand of the outsider. Ahmed attempted to stop him, however, he was ineffective.

"I know that I'm not sufficiently able to overcome you, however for a great many lives and our country, Earth, I am prepared to battle regardless of whether it costs me my life."

Zashis was attempting to accumulate his solidarity, however, he couldn't do so. Abdullah snatched a sharp bar from the rubble of the structure and raced to go after No. 14. He went after energetically and penetrated the pole in No. 14's shoulder, the group cheered Abdullah's boldness.

The outsider was frightened, he was unable to bear a little fellow hitting him so hard; he irately took the bar out from his shoulder and flung it at the group … everybody got terrified.

Meanwhile, Zashis stood up and No.14 lifted his right hand to kill him! That purple light shined from his hand and he terminated it toward Zashis. Everybody shouted out, "Nooo!"

Similarly, as No.14 terminated on Zashis, Abdullah came in the way. He was hit straightforwardly, the pillar entered through his chest and he fell to the ground. Abdullah was not moving.

Seeing this, Ahmed ran toward Abdullah and looked at him. Abdullah was oblivious, no one could make out assuming he was in any condition. Ahmed was crying and Zashis' eyes were open.

"How dare you!" Zashis yelled.

Out of nowhere, the wind began blowing quickly, and the downpours began falling, joined by tempest. Zashis' eyes became red with outrage and he started to transform into flares. It was a genuinely new thing, Zashis was likewise not mindful of this mystery force of his.

Zashis' body caught on fire, he was delivering a huge measure of intensity. Everybody ventured back as they couldn't endure the intensity. No.14 appeared to be a piece anxious. His grin was supplanted with dread.

Zashis began to move towards No.14, who out of apprehension, went after Zashis, yet the godlike effortlessly evaded the outsider's blow. Everybody was happy to see No.14 being crushed. Zashis was presently significantly quicker than No.14, he punched rapidly on his chest and No.14 tumbled to the ground.

"Now is the ideal time to complete the foe of our homeland!" said Zashis lifting two of his hands and pointing towards No.14. The red flares of his body disappeared and they generally gathered in his grasp, making a colossal bundle of blazes. "This is from the entire of humanity that you needed to annihilate," expressed Zashis while taking a gander at No.14, and afterward he terminated with his all may.

In the meantime, Abdullah likewise began moving a little, seeing evidence that something was going on under the surface in Abdullah, Ahmed embraced him.

At long last, the earth was gotten from this outsider's aggressive statement. Zashis and Abdullah had saved them all. Everyone acclaimed Abdullah and Zashis. Also, because of Zashis' strong blazes, from that point on he was given the name "The Ultra Zashis — the fire of trust and conviction!"

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