
I'm Wajiha. It is the year 2026 and I am 18 years of age. I just found an old fortune map among my old belongings and my heart is overwhelmed with endless recollections which will remain in my heart till my final gasp.

Rewind to 2021

It was my thirteenth birthday celebration. I'd quite recently awakened from an extremely tranquil rest and a wonderful mauve-hued dress was sitting tight for me, draping right on the entryway of my closet. There were likewise stunning sets of white heels and heaps of pearl gems, simply ready to be worn.

I immediately different and prepared the nursery alongside my mom because my companions would be there any moment. I didn't need to hang tight for long as my companions, Ayesha, Fatima, Simal, and Bareen before long! We invested a ton of energy moving to our main tunes and playing a wide range of games. Before long, the time had come to eat. Before that, in any case, we played out the main custom of any birthday celebration — cutting the cake!

"Go on, Weji, make a wish!" Simal poked me.

I shut my eyes firmly and made a wish — a wish that nobody heard — and blew the candles out. We ate our number one tidbits and after an evening of silly buffoonery, it was the ideal opportunity for my companions to return to home base. They left and when I tidied up, night fell and the shining moon looked favorably on me as I fell into a profound sleep.

The following morning, I surged down the stairs to check whether I had gotten any birthday cards or letters. Unfortunately, there was nothing on the mat aside from the day-to-day paper. Blue, I got it and, think about what! I hobnobbed with something that would change my life perpetually … it was a fortune map!

There was an 'X' on it, which demonstrated where the fortune had been covered up. I transformed from my PJs into a green jumpsuit, and running shoes tied my hair in a bun, and set off on a mission to track down the fortune by following the guide.

After a long and tiring excursion, I halted to take a rest before stirring things up around town once more. My feet were sore by then, at that point, and I was appreciative that I wore running shoes or God realized what might have happened to my feet!

In the wake of resting for around 15 minutes, I began strolling once more, yet tragically, I got pursued by a tiger and got away with a horrendous scar on my left side arm. After strolling a couple of additional meters, I ran over a circle of trees and didn't have any idea where to continue. I continued to meander around for some time and, out of nowhere, I caught a gigantic stone, which was to a greater degree a switch since a passage showed up all of a sudden!

I continued to slide down the passage and finished in a dim cavern. There, I tracked down the money box! Yet, before I could open it, I detected the ground shaking. I snatched the chest and frantically got away as the spot was falling.

I found my direction home as I had dropped a few shining rocks to check my path. I arrived home, with no problem at all. I opened the chest and it was spilling over with various kinds of gems, and coins made of gold and silver!

Quick forward to 2026

I keep the money box with me and every one of the gems and coins I tracked down within it. However it has been numerous years since that completely exhilarating experience, and those recollections are still with me. Furthermore, who could fail to remember the tiger going after me and abandoning a gigantic scar? Indeed, the scar is still there.

Presently I should track down a tissue because these valuable recollections are moving from my eyes and trickling from my cheeks as tears — cheerful tears.

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