No silver lining

It was the gloomiest day for Nasir, the news had struck him like a tempest. He was apprehensive and shuddering like an explorer who had been left abandoned in the Himalayan lower regions and was trusting that the strong breezes would offer some much-needed kindness. In the meantime, the doorbell rang, to him it seemed as though the cornet of the military was walking towards a war zone.

No silver lining
He gathered up his withering fortitude and hauled his shaking body towards the entryway, yet his legs wouldn't uphold him; the ringer rang once more. He stood up before the trepidation made him surrender to the circumstance. He slid the entryway open; he needed some help.

As he had expected, his help was standing directly before him, embodied as his companion Rehan. Right away, Rehan, who likewise appeared to be anxious, burst into his home. Nasir immediately found out if he had likewise heard the news or not. Rehan showed total honesty, yet he needed to know every single insight concerning Nasir, who was making an honest effort to take off from the truth.

Reality could as of now not be overlooked. Neither Nasir nor Rehan could conceal themselves in the haziest caverns of obscure spots. Indeed, Rehan held him firmly as he asked him not to let out reality to be inundated by the beast of stowed-away secrets.

Finally, with shuddering hands, he pointed towards his tablet lying on the bed as a neglected property. Rehan clicked it and Nasir's Twitter account glimmered a tweet from the Education Minister that read, "No understudy will be advanced without tests and all understudies will get back to school from Monday onwards."

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