On detective mode

On detective mode

I saw two males lifting a youngster and getting into a car as I was returning from school. The youngster was sobbing uncontrollably!

I pushed my friend Aaniya to peek out of instinct. What are those men doing over there? Oh oh, I believe they are taking the boy hostage! I told Aaniya.

On detective mode
Aaniya laughed and said, "Hmmm, maybe. I'm not so sure. You may simply watch too many thrillers, though. You know Sara, first impressions are frequently incorrect.

"But what if they're taking that boy hostage? We must assure everyone's safety since we are responsible citizens, I insisted.

“No. Aaniya remarked, "I think you're confusing our job with the police, and by the way, when did you start acting so dramatic?

I grinned and replied, "Ever since I was chosen to be the president of the drama club.

But it is unimportant. Tell me, could you bear the guilt of allowing the kidnapping of an innocent child? Do you think you could handle that? I made an effort to emote her.

"Okay, Sara, that's OK. Half amused and half irritated by my efforts, Aaniya responded. But hurry, my mother would worry if I don't return home in a half-hour. Our delays are always caused by your excursions. I vowed to her that I wouldn't be late today.

So we started driving after the suspicious vehicle. We were fortunate that it was moving slowly because otherwise, we would not have been able to keep up. It was a nice spring afternoon, and a light wind was blowing as we strolled beneath the cool shade of the large chinar trees that lined the roadway. Sometimes the sun peaked through the dense undergrowth, and the leaves on the walkway danced in different patterns. After a long, arduous day at school, the relaxing rustle of the leaves and the breeze were enough to put me to sleep.

But I had to push aside my dreamy ideas and concentrate on the kidnappers, who were the immediate concern. So far, it appeared as though the car was traveling to... a park?

"Why would they travel to a park if they were kidnappers?" I had my thoughts read out by Aaniya.

"Yeah, I had the same question. Could it be that they're bringing him to the park because they have a covert location there? I suggested while I considered potential causes.

The automobile stopped in front of the gate as we approached the park, and the two men got out. I drew nearer to the car and tried to come up with a strategy. I suddenly had a thought.

My strategy was for Aaniya to divert the kidnappers while I grabbed the boy and ran away until we could turn him over to the police so they could take him home safely. Though it was a truly bad idea, we had no other option. Therefore, we carried out our strategy exactly, and the diversion was successful!

I snatched the kid and took off as quickly as my legs would allow, never once turning around.

“Hey! Stop! What do you have to say? My nephew is that. Stop immediately! I came to an abrupt halt.

Nephew? What was this man discussing? I circled back.

The man came to a stop next to me and grabbed the youngster. He stood with a grimace on his face, panting from all that racing. Just behind him was another man who was also extremely out of breath.

Doubt crept into my mind as I stood there seeing the irate men treat me like I was utterly insane and I began to panic. What happens if these men are his uncles? How was I going to persuade them that the kidnapping wasn't truly being carried out by me? Oh, no! However, I didn't have any evidence that they were related to the boy. But I inhaled deeply and held my ground.

You cannot trick me! He was crying when I saw you pick him up and put him in the car. I will not trust your story since I know you people were abducting him. Here, we followed your car. To seem more courageous than I felt, I threaten the men, "We will shout, and people will come and grab you.

They appeared shocked. They exchanged smiles as they exchanged looks. "Well, your story is not very persuasive," one of them then observed. However, you two don't appear to be kidnappers, and you girls don't appear to be lying, so I believe you.

The second man continued, "Now let's explain how we fit into this. Hamza was kicking and crying because we told him we were sending him to the hospital to get a tetanus vaccine, the man said, pointing at the young youngster. You know, we were planning a surprise party for him because it was his birthday today. He was going to his birthday celebration, but we didn't want him to know. He started giggling at his poor joke at this point.

“Oh! That's what was going on, then," I said, thumping my forehead. "I'm very sorry for all the trouble we got into. Would you kindly pardon us? I questioned, feeling so humiliated that I wanted the earth to swallow me up.

"Of course, yes. It is acceptable because your motives were noble. However, a word of caution: if you are constantly anxious, you will never be able to live in peace. Also, you ought to think about a profession in law enforcement," he added while laughing heartily.

Aaniya gave me a frustrated look as we were leaving the park, and I could already guess what she was going to say. She said, "I told you so. You should not watch so many thrillers, in my opinion.

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