Hard work always pays

Hard work always pays

When there was a family who lived cheerfully with one another, in any case, they were extremely poor as well. They had two kids, Ali Hussain and Rabia.

Hard work always pays
Their dad generally told them, "Be good and do right by us". Subsequently, Ali tried sincerely and he generally started things out in his group. He likewise finished work at night alongside his studies since they were shy of cash. The entire family, aside from Rabia, endeavored to make due.

At the point when Ali finished his school assessment, his dad turned out to be sick and died. All the obligation of running the house was on the mother's shoulders. She satisfied her obligation as well as could be expected, however with time she aged significantly and feeble. Ali understood that his mom had accomplished such a great deal for them so he chose to help her more. He began giving educational costs to assist with the funds.

In time Ali requested that his mom relinquish her position and simply deal with the house, and he would wrap up. At the point when he was in school, on one occasion Ali heard a declaration concerning the confirmation in a notable clinical school of the city, where a grant was likewise being presented on merit.

Ali was a piece terrified, yet he recalled his educator's statement "Don't be frightened, take a shot". Finally, the outcome was reported and Ali was amazed to hear that he had gotten a full grant for higher examinations.

He ran cheerfully home to enlighten his mom concerning his extraordinary accomplishment and he additionally said thanks to God for assisting him with making his fantasies work out. He concentrated on much more and set aside cash.

Ali finished his examinations with unique excellence and turned into the best specialist in the city. He purchased to get an immense house for his family where they resided in solace. He had additionally made his sister study. Ali turned into a good and notable specialist. He made it his intention to help the poor however much he could so they likewise conquered their difficulties and carried on with a decent life.

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