A creepy, unnerving story

A creepy, unnerving story

Everything began when the vehicle stalled. It was past midnight, and downpours of downpours tumbled from the sky. Irritated, Taylor got out and frantically got away. He was in Galveston, an abandoned town. He saw a motel and ran towards it. Assuming he had perused the name of this motel, he could have not done as such. It was exceptionally dim inside. The flooring sections squeaked noisily in the quiet. Taylor wrung his cap dry and ventured to the counter. He rang the ringer. It jingled so uproariously that he bounced. Nobody emerged. He sat on a timeworn seat and afterward got up quickly because it was covered with tacky spider webs. Believing that the spot was abandoned, he was going to leave when an entryway squeaked open and a figure entered.

It was an elderly person, with a long, flimsy face, a slanted back, and indented, yellow eyes. He grasped an old light with veined, knobbly hands. A couple of wiry strands of gleaming hair tumbled to his shoulders. "Would you like a space to remain in?" he croaked huskily. After he had moved past the man's vampiric appearance, Taylor stammered, "Certainly. I might want to remain for the evening. What's more... er… a dinner would be great, as well. “That would be two pounds. I will send Lucifer up with your dinner." Taylor had quite recently taken out his wallet when the entryway jingled and one more client came in.

A creepy, unnerving story
He was a tall, spooky figure; clad in a long, clearing shroud and a hood. Taylor attempted to make out his face, however, it stayed a shadow. Feeling sure that something was off about the entire business, Taylor walked higher up to Room 13. He put his hand on the door handle but pulled out it rapidly; there was something dull and wet on it. He opened the entryway and afterward cleaned his hand on his dark coat. Assuming he had seen what that dull and wet thing was, he would have hurried head-first down the stairs into the downpour and ran for his dear life. Taylor checked out his room. It was huge, with a restroom and a four-banner bed. The walls were altogether dark. Curtains on the walls were a dreadful purple. The room was lit by candles overlooking a weak, rosy shine. He went to the restroom for a fast wash. He was feeling exceptionally tired now, and his eyes were scarcely opening. He had quite recently found a bed when there was a thump at the entryway. Taylor recalled his feast and grouchily got up. "Come in!" The entryway opened so hard that it ran into the wall. The enormous outline of a bristly, upstanding animal displayed against the faint light as it remained in the entryway. Deadened with dismay, Taylor figured out how to let out a squeak. The bushy animal ventured forward into the light. Looking carefully, Taylor saw that it was a gigantic, massive man; covered totally with hair that seemed to be fur. He had a nose that seemed to be a nose and teeth that seemed to be those of a canine. He continued to lick his mouth with a red tongue. It seemed to be a half-man half-wolf. He was holding a plate with a shrouded plate in it. "Your dinner," he snarled. Unfit to inhale, Taylor quietly implored God that his doubts were off-base; that this was not a werewolf. He took the plate, shut the entryway, and turned the way to lock it. He needed no midnight guests. Taylor took the top off the plate. Twelve dead slugs were lying on the plate, shrouded in overflowing ooze. Taylor hurried to the window and tossed the plate outside. Getting more terrified constantly, he flung himself into bed.

In a little while, he awakened with a horrible feeling in his mind. He was having bad dreams. The sooner he escaped this spot the better. He moved his situation in his bed and felt something cold and hard against him. "Um… would you see any problems with giving me some more space?" said an empty voice. Taylor blasted upstanding and focused to his right side. It was a daily existence estimated skeleton, tucked with him in bed. Taylor shouted. Shouting, he kicked the skeleton onto the floor and leaped through the window. Fortunately, he arrived on the bloom beds, or he would have joined the staff at The Banshee Pinnacles Motel!

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