Welcome to Pakistan

Welcome to Pakistan

It was a lovely morning and everybody was conscious. In any case, every one of the nighttime creatures was sleeping soundly. A wolf named Salena and her pack were in profound rest, however, her two eight-year-old twin puppies, named Noor and Advika, were excessively dynamic and thus couldn't rest.

While the twins were talking, a detestable puma named Aadi, who loved going after creatures and making little animals hopeless, sneaked close to them to go after Salena's pack!

"Aadi will assault! Aadi will assault!" hollered one of the twins, awakening everybody.

"Okay everybody, listen cautiously! We will go after Aadi and his companions. Little guys, you head off to someplace safe, every other person, accompany me!" said Salena.

"What might be said about you?" asked Noor.

"I'll be fine," answered Salena.

"I want to believe that she's right," expressed Advika as the twins ran off.

"You won't ever win, Aadi!" hollered Salena. "We'll see about that .... Radar!"

Afterward, the puppies returned to check whether their mom and their pack had won. In any case, shockingly, they found their mom, and they get lying on the ground and not getting together.

"No!" shouted Noor.

"Alrighty then! What do we have here?" asked Aadi in a mean way.

"Run Noor, run!" hollered Advika.

Welcome to Pakistan
The little guys took off a long way. Advika stumbled so seriously that one of her legs couldn't move! Noor got scratched so seriously that she began dying! They continued to run until at long last they were drained to the point that they blacked out. At the point when the night came, so did a wolf their age.

"Are you all right?" he inquired.

"Huh?" said Noor, awakening. "We are fine, gratitude for inquiring."

"I'm Basim, who are you? Where's your pack?" asked the wolf.

"I'm Advika and that is my twin sister, Noor. What's more, ... they… ." the twins began crying.

"They what?" asked Basim.

"They finished their excursion in the circle of life. Aadi went after our mother," cried Advika.

"Aadi, the panther, went after? You can relax,

I'll take you to my mother. She can help,"

Answered Basim. Basim took the twins to his mom, Anadia.

"Mother, these are my new companions, Noor and Advika. They have a miserable story. Noor and Advika, this is my mother, Anadia, that is my younger sibling, Sarah, and this is my pack," Basim made the presentations.

"Pleasant gathering all of you," answered Noor. "Be that as it may, where could we be?

"You're not from here?" pondered Basim.

"We are from India, have we overcome much away?" asked Advika.

"You don't need to fear anything here. You are protected by us. Come on, you should be ravenous. How about we eat something," said Anadia.

The little guys were eager to the point that they made a plunge solidly into the scrumptious food!

"I wish mom could eat with us," expressed Noor with pity.

Afterward, the wolves completed the process of eating and began playing together. They before long become old buddies. Basim saw that something was irritating the twins, so he asked them, "Are you all right?"

"It's simply that I miss mom and the entire pack," answered Noor. "However, I am cheerful I made another companion."

"In this way, how could it resemble India?" asked Basim.

"It's a benefit. In any case, the main thing I could do without about India is that Aadi lives there. In any case, our home and the wide open is lovely. We have consistently lived there calmly with a wide range of various animals. I can hardly imagine how we made a trip such a long way to another nation!" said Noor.

"I get it was your fate. However, the great part is that you met us and you are presently protected," answered Basim.

Then Hazeema, Basim's more established sister, came to mind Basim. "Basim, the sun is rising. Time to nod off," she said.

"We're not excessively sluggish. Might we at any point stay up somewhat longer please?" answered Noor.

"All right, we should talk then, at that point," answered Hazeema. Every one of the wolves was snoozing, yet the wolf twins and Hazeema sat together and visited.

"Our pack completed their excursion in the circle of life," Advika shared tragically.

"That is awful. Yet, you shouldn't lose trust. They're here, in your heart," Hazeema attempted to console the twins.

"Gratitude for the encouraging words. I think

It would be ideal for us also to rest. Rest tight then!" answered Advika.

Hours went by. The moon fired awakening. So did the wolves.

"As-salamu alaykum everyone!" said Noor.

"Wa'alaykumu as-salam!" answered Advika and Basim.

"Stand by! Basim, where's your mom?" asked Noor.

"She got up somewhat early and went to chase," answered Basim. "We might have just met yesterday however we make incredible companions. Assuming that you need it, you can join our pack."

The twins embraced Basim and said, "Much obliged!"

"Hello young ladies, quit it! That is tight!" Basim expressed, attempting to get away from the embrace.

Hours after the fact, a cordial owl stopped by. "Huh? Who are they?" thought the bird. She then flew close to the wolf twins.

"As-salamu alaykum!" said the bird.

"Aaah!" cried Noor. "Who are you?"

"She's Azeebah, our watchman bird. Azeebah shields us from hunters by watching them from the tree and cautioning us when it isn't protected," answered Basim.

"Goodness! Hey Azeebah, I'm Noor!"

"Furthermore, I'm Advika!"

"It's a joy to meet both of you," said Azeebah. "I have never seen you all, where are you from?

"We are from India, however Aadi, the panther, went after my family and we are the ones in particular who could get away," Noor described, unfortunately.

Basim then, at that point, went to see his mom, Anadia. The twins likewise followed him for some time, since they felt more secure close to him.

"All right, we can," they heard Anadia say as the twins approached them.

"Indeed! Much thanks to you, mother!" answered Basim.

"What's happening here?" asked Advika as she approached them.

"My mother said you folks are permitted to remain in our pack!" said Basim joyfully.

"Hooray!" cheered the wolf twins.

Concerning Aadi, he was eager to find the wolf twins. The way that two puppies figured out how to get away from him truly hurt his self-image.

Before long Aarnav, Aadi's sibling, showed up with some news, "Aadi! I found the area of the wolf twins!"

"Magnificent. Where could they be? I'm starving!" said Aadi.

"Come along these lines," said AirNav.

Back with the wolf twins, Azeebah, the owl, informed them that Aadi was advancing toward them with his kin. Hearing this, Basim's pack got together to plan for a showdown.

"OK everybody, prepare for the fight!" said Basim.

"Better believe it, we will help as well," offered the twins.

"Goodness fine! You got away from Aadi, so I suppose you are prepared for this battle," said Anadia.

"Woohoo!" shouted the twins.

"On the whole, we want an arrangement," answered Hazeema.

"Well. I have an arrangement!" said Advika. "All right, so here's the arrangement … ."

Basim and his gathering moved towards a Place that lay between their home and Aadi's property. Afterward, when the pumas and wolves met, both were prepared to overcome the other.

"Presently!" Basim yelled and the battle began.

Aadi and his posse gathered, yet they got cornered by the wolf pack. Then, at that point, Aadi saw that from one side nobody was obstructing their direction, so he remembered to escape from that point and motioned toward his kin. Similarly, as they planned to get away, they were obstructed by Anadia!

"You're cornered, Aadi! You lose," said Advika.

"This isn't finished! We will meet in the future!" said Aadi, as he and his companions took off.

"We did it!" everybody yelled with joy.

"You know what, It's each of the tests! Presently I'm not miserable about what occurred. Indeed, our pack died, however, we met new companions! I'm glad for what we have," said the twins.

Basim expressed, "It's over at this point. Welcome to Pakistan!"

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