Learning the most difficult way possible

Learning the most difficult way possible

Haroon was the main child of his folks. He had been raised with a great deal of affection and care. Be that as it may, this wasn't sufficient to satisfy him about his coloring, which was a piece dim. So at whatever point he investigated the mirror, he would feel miserable and can't help thinking about why he didn't have a more pleasing composition.

Haroon could never have had this impression on the off chance that a portion of his schoolmates didn't ridicule him. There were specific young men in Haroon's group, Ali and his companions, who might ridicule nearly everybody and didn't extra Haroon as well. In some cases, Haroon would go to the washroom and weep for he was unable to bear the joke.

Learning the most difficult way possible
At some point, when Haroon entered the class, Ali and his companions began calling him dark and revolting. Haroon turned pale and didn't yet say anything. Afterward, there was a football match during which Ali and his companions pushed Haroon and made him fall. Haroon got seriously harmed. He realizes that Ali had done it intentionally, however, he stayed quiet. At the point when Haroon got back, his mom asked about the injury, yet he lied that he had tumbled from the flight of stairs and harmed himself.

Haroon went to his room and cried a ton. For the following three days, Haroon couldn't go to school because of his wounds. His examinations were significant for him as he was a diligent and able kid. So missing his classes upset him more than his wounds.

At the point when Haroon went to school following a couple of days, he was unable to see Ali anyplace. He murmured in alleviation as he understood Ali had not come to school that day. The following day too Haroon didn't see Ali anyplace, however, saw Ali's companions looking a piece miserable, sitting toward the side of the class and murmuring to one another.

Haroon went dependent upon them and asked what the matter was. One of them let him know that two or three days back, Ali was assisting his mom in the kitchen when his mom went out to with bringing something. As Ali had no clue about cooking tools, the strain cooker in the oven interested him and he attempted to open it while it was still in the oven. The cover opened with an impact and flew in the air, as did the items in the cooker, which fell over Ali's face, consuming it gravely. He was present in the medical clinic, being treated for serious consumption.

Haroon was stunned to discover that and he chose to proceed to meet Ali in the clinic. So the day after school, Haroon, alongside his mom, went to see Ali. It had been a couple of days since the episode so Ali was steady now, however, 50% of his face, including one eye, was covered for certain treatments and patches of wraps.

The second Ali saw Haroon, he had no control over his tears. It was apparent that Ali was in culpability and was upset about how he had harmed poor Haroon. Both the young men took a gander at one another and didn't say anything, while Haroon's mom supported Ali and his mom.

After Haroon had left, Ali considered his activities and acknowledged he had abused Haroon, like so many other young men in his school and neighborhood. He likewise felt embarrassed about his activities and was brimming with lament. On his part, Haroon appealed to God for the well-being and speedy recuperation of Ali and held onto no worries.

After about a month, Ali got back to school and he was almost restored except for a few dull earthy colored spots from the consumed wounds all over. Be that as it may, personally, Ali had changed totally, and presently he expressed sorry to everybody he had prodded and harmed previously. He became modest and showed sympathy towards everybody.

Everybody was more than happy to see this change and soon Ali turned out to be a generally excellent companion with Haroon. Ali took in his illustration, yet scholarly it in the most difficult way possible!

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