Daddy's glasses

Daddy's glasses

The doorbell rang and Sara rushed to open the entryway. It was daddy getting back from work.

"Assalam O alaikum daddy!" Sara welcomed merrily and took the attaché from daddy's hand. In the wake of shutting the entryway, Daddy came in and plunked down while Sara gave him water to drink.

"Where is your mum?" daddy inquired.

"Aunt Sadia was not feeling great, so mum took her to the specialist," she said.

Daddy's glasses
Around then Emad got daddy's shoes and put them in front of him. Then Emad got his shoes and went to take care of them. Daddy put on his shoes and went to clean up. After returning, he asked Sara for the paper as he plunged onto the couch.

Sara ran and got the paper. Daddy took the paper and when he attempted to remove the glasses from his pocket, it was not there.

"Goodness, Emad! Sarah! Present to me my glasses," daddy shouted to the two of them.

"Where is it kept? Allow me to search for it," Emad proceeded to take a gander at the standard spots where daddy kept his things, however, he was unable to track down it. He then inquired as to whether she had seen daddy's glasses.

"No, I have searched for it all over, however, I can't track down it," said Sarah

"What occurred, where did you both go?" Daddy ended up being irate

"Daddy, where did you put your glasses? I can't track down it," Sarah replied.

"What do you mean you might at any point track down it? I have quite recently come from the workplace and I probably kept it in my room with my wallet. Proceed to mind my side table," daddy trained.

Daddy likewise began searching for glas­ses with Sara and Emad, yet they didn't find it anyplace. They in the end surrendered and plunked down stressed, as daddy required those glasses to peruse.

"Hi everybody! For what reason is all of you looking so stressed?" mum asked when she got back.

"Mum, we can't track down daddy's glasses. We have looked all over," Emad revealed.

"Both of you proceed to get your work done, I'll check where they are," mum shared with them. Going to her better half she spoke, "Let me go clean up and make tea, then I will track down your glasses."

At the point when mum was cleaning up, she saw daddy's glasses on the rack joined to the mirror over the washbasin. She grinned and took daddy's glasses to him and said, "Read the paper, while I'll bring the tea."

"Peruse without glasses?" daddy talked with aggravation.

"No, with the glasses," mother said while holding out the glasses to him.

"Hello! Where did you track down them?" daddy inquired.

"Mum, where did you track down the glasses? We looked everywhere!" the children talked together in surprise.

"At the point when you went to spruce up, you probably kept it by the washbasin and overlooked it," she made sense of happily.

"Gracious indeed, presently I recall that I kept it there," daddy replied with a touch of shame as they generally began to chuckle.

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