A blustery day

It was a warm and muggy morning. The weather conditions were too agonizing that day. Birds and creatures appeared to be covered with sweat. Individuals and youngsters were frantically sitting tight for a downpour. Unfortunate grounds-keepers were licking their dry lips in that singing intensity.

Out of nowhere, something startling occurred, a supernatural occurrence of God. The sky became cloudy and the mists scudded by, as enormous smoky cotton balls. The weather conditions before long became turbulent.

Thunder thundered like lions and began a shower of weighty precipitation from the sky. The drops of the downpour seemed to be minuscule precious stones. The charmingly chilly water of the pattering raindrops extinguished the thirst of the landscapers and others. There was yelling from the breeze and the sprinkling of the water. Every individual and the birds were extremely cheerful.

Birds sang and twittered pleasantly on the wet virus barks of trees. Streets transformed into little creeks and the kids were sprinkling and playing in the sloppy, grimy puddles. Papers drifted in the water and children began cycling by and large around in the settlement. Individuals joyfully began cooking snacks to partake in the wonderful downpour.

My family and I likewise appreciated delicious snacks in our vaporous gallery. Before long the mists disappeared and out came a beautiful rainbow. The delightful blossoms moved cheerfully and threw their heads. The vegetation looked invigorating.

The downpour had transformed the terrible day into a beautiful one.

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