The lost world

I opened my eyes and wound up lost in a thick, green wilderness. As I glanced around, all I could see were trees — miles and miles of lavish wilderness. Paralyzed, I got up and glanced around. It seemed like the trees were collapsing, as my tension developed.

The lost world

The blossoms gleamed and sparkled. It was the main sight of excellence. The plants dangled from the most elevated tree limbs and moved in the sluggish breeze. However, there was no solid. The quiet was so clear.

The woodland looked vacant, denied of birds and creatures, yet I had this undeniable inclination that I was in good company...

I didn't have any idea where I was, the reason I was there, and the way that I wound up there. As I contemplated my environmental factors, I saw that the haze began to draw nearer. What's more, as I was terrified, out of the quiet, came a shrieking thunder. I covered my ears and sank to the ground, grinding my teeth hard.

As though things couldn't deteriorate, I felt a warm breeze. My spine tickled. I was unable to think back; I could contemplate running.

When I felt that I was separated from everyone else once more, I turned around to check whether there was truly something there. At the point when I did, I was in finished wonderment and shock. Remaining before me was an animal that gazed directly out of a fantasy. It nearly seemed to be a rhinoceros and seemed to be exceptionally old. A solitary beam of daylight radiated on this animal's face, uncovering its crimson eyes, and the thick, greenery cover that covered its whole back and head, from which strands of greenery and plants dangled from the side of its face, practically like hair.

This otherworldly animal had three horns made of plant life, with a child-pink universe outgrowing it. On the upper region of its huge legs developed these undermining, dull orange-shaded spikes, which it presumably utilized for a guard. Out of that thick layer of greenery upon its back developed all the sharper, yet little, spikes, that prompted a huge protuberance with an opening on its back. From this emerged an electric blue fire that spun like a cyclone.

As I gazed at this captivated animal with flabbergasted eyes, I heard some stirring around the bend. Terrified, the primary thing I remembered to do was conceal myself in a nearby bush. I could hear delicate strides coming from a remote place. I looked through the shrubbery and, surprisingly, I saw individuals gathering and encompassing the otherworldly animal. They were by all accounts from an old red Indian clan.

They knelt before the animal, and a man, presumably their chief, presented and charmed something that I was unable to make out. They then bowed and argued with the animal, as though they were asking it for leniency or absolution.

I stayed there, noticing their strict service, and then I felt a sharp torment in my back. My inadvertent and unexpected response from the sting made the bush stir, and that grabbed the eye of the clan individuals. They promptly halted anything they were doing and stood looking at the hedge I was stowing away in. It seemed like they were looking directly into my spirit.

Not knowing what to do, I recently began running. It seemed like my body assumed command of me and I was unable to quit running. With dread in my eyes, I endlessly ran. I didn't have the foggiest idea where I was, I didn't have the foggiest idea where I was going, however, I just kept endlessly running.

Out of nowhere, I hit something hard and I woke up. I was in my room, yet not on my bed. I had tumbled off my bed in my rest.

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