The lost wallet

Some time ago, there was a young lady named Sana. Sana was a respectful young lady and had a place with a working-class family. She was 14 years of age.

At some point, Sana and her mum went shopping for food at a close by store. The store was tremendous and had nearly all that an individual could require — from ordinary fundamentals to toys, and from dresses to exercise supplies.

Sana's mom made shopping for food lists as per their financial plan, which focused more on needs than extravagances. Sana, being reasonable, figured out the circumstance and consistently attempted to stay undemanding.

The lost wallet
So day, while shopping with her mum, Sana saw a delightful colossal pink doll in the toys part. Sana adored the doll a lot so she requested that her mom buy it. Her mom denied the wish because of spending plan requirements. Sana turned out to be extremely miserable and during the entire shopping trip, she continued to check the doll out.

At the point when Sana and her mum went to the part of the grain, out of nowhere Sana saw a wallet lying at the edge of a rack. She was stunned to see it and thought, 'Somebody probably dropped his wallet and presently will be searching for it.'

Sana got the wallet and saw there was a large chunk of change inside, she began having blended sentiments. She was in a situation — ought to purchase the doll from the wallet in cash or return it to its legitimate owner? Sana before long understood that the way she needed to decide to satisfy her craving was off-base.

While her mom was in the middle of searching for the beats she wanted, Sana opened the wallet and saw a CNIC card in it. It had a place with an individual named Jamal.

She went to her mom and educated her regarding how she had found the wallet and together they went to the declaration work area. Around there, a declaration was made, and in five minutes the proprietor came.

The proprietor of the wallet was extremely cheerful and appreciative to Sana and her mum since his unique CNIC card and ATM cards were likewise in the wallet. As a gift for her genuineness, the proprietor gave Sana 5,000 rupees, which she previously wouldn't acknowledge, however at that point he demanded a ton and Sana's mom permitted her to take it, feeling glad for her girl.

Sana raced to the toy's part with her mum and bought the doll she loved, which was around Rs4,500. Sana understood that we ought to constantly tell the truth and never consider another person's stuff to be our own, regardless of the amount we might be needing it.

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