Little Miss Ego

Maha was in grade nine and a position holder in her group. She was great in her examinations, yet in addition great at tumbling. Maha was insightful, brilliant, and charitable. Her folks were pleased with her and she was popular with everybody in her loved ones' circle.

Another family moved to their area and they had a girl named Esha, who was as old as Maha. Before long Maha and Esha became companions since they likewise concentrated on a similar class and had normal interests.

Little Miss Ego
Esha was a virtuoso understudy and was by and large a pleasant individual, yet frequently she would turn somewhat forceful and pompous. Esha's family was exceptionally rich and she was fairly pleased with being so rich. It was no big surprise that Esha had a colossal self-image and it frequently showed itself in her way of behaving.

At the point when Maha and Esha began to hang out together, Maha saw Esha's propensity to flaunt her abundance and way of life.

Maha additionally saw, in the primary seven-day stretch of their kinship, that Esha derided and passed judgment on her colleagues who were not rich and she would flaunt her costly fixed and different things to everybody. At the point when her folks purchased another vehicle, she sent the image of the vehicle in the gathering talk of her group.

Esha likewise made it a highlight to bring costly gems, make-up, packs, and, surprisingly, a cell, which was not permitted, to the school. This conduct irritated her schoolmates and they began referring to her as "Miss Ego".

Maha cautioned Esha ordinarily that she ought to quit ridiculing others, however, she won't ever tune in.

Maha chose to break her kinship with Esha because she was a presumptuous individual. At the point when Esha realized that Maha would rather not be companions with her any longer, she kicked frantically and off taunting Maha as well.

This further baffled Maha, so she chose to go to Esha's home and converse with her folks about this. Esha's folks paid attention to Maha and they had an embarrassing outlook on their little girl's way of behaving. They let Maha know that they were sorry for the benefit of their little girl, for doing every one of the idiotic things which Esha did. They then, at that point, called Esha and caused her to sit with them and make sense of how unsuitable her haughty way of behaving is.

Her folks said, "Look, you shouldn't do this. It's anything but a positive routine to cause your schoolmates or companions to feel terrible by flaunting your abundance to them or causing them to feel substandard. Your abundance isn't something that you accomplished, you have it because your family has it. How will you respond on the off chance that the abundance you are so pleased with, is removed tomorrow?

"Allah could do without the pompous individuals. Today this cash is with you, who knows tomorrow you might not have these riches. To be sure, cash doesn't remain with you forever, yet old buddies stay with us until the end of time. May Allah guide you. If you go on with this way of behaving, you will lose your companions and your cash won't assist you with getting genuine companions."

In the wake of hearing this, Esha was embarrassed about her way of behaving and she was sorry to her folks and companions and guaranteed that she could at absolutely no point ever act in an egotistical way in the future and won't flaunt it.

After noticing Esha's changed way of behaving, Maha chose to be companions with Esha once more and this time they're holding was a lot further and better. Maha was glad to see Esha's better rendition.

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